Whites Agency is a Finalist of The Drum Marketing Awards & The Drum Search Awards 2020

We’ve received 3 nominations in the prestigious The Drum Marketing Awards 2020 and The Drum Search Awards 2020 together with our clients: Virgin Mobile, Medme and Sporticos.
The Drum is a global media platform and the largest marketing portal in Europe, where you can read industry news from around the world, published daily. Each month it attracts 1.4 million users. The Drum Awards recognize the best projects and companies as well as the most talented professionals in the industry.
The judges of The Drum Marketing Awards have nominated our project – “Non-brand keywords for converting organic traffic” in the SEO category. Thanks to understanding the telecommunications industry and using the potential of non-brand keywords, we have strengthened the position of Virgin Mobile brand on the Polish market and gained valuable traffic on the client’s sales landing page. You can read more about our cooperation here.
The Drum Search Awards jury has shortlisted us in two categories. Together with Sporticos, we are among the finalists in the SEO category – Effective Use of Data for the project “How to achieve 70% Increase in Conversion rate Within a Month? Data-Driven SEO is a good way to go!”. Thanks to our Data-driven SEO activities, Sporticos – a football statistics website, gained a competitive advantage in SERPs by making use of organic traffic, which translated into the revenue growth.
We also impressed judges in the Healthcare and Pharma category with our project for Medme “How to achieve a 3616% increase in organic traffic in the Healthcare industry?”. By building and implementing the digital strategy, we have increased traffic in the client’s medical content platform to 5 million organic sessions per month, and we have reached 3.5 million unique users.
Feel free to visit our blog and read more about both case studies: Sporticos, Medme.
We should hear about the winners on 21 April 2020, but due to the current situation, the new date is not revealed yet. Here you can check the full list of nominees: